PrestaShop support multiple language environment. You can very easily make make/configure your PrestaShop store speak another languages. Here are some basic information on how to configure multiple languages at your PrestaShop store.
1. Add new language to your site.
Log in to back office - click "Tools" tab - click "Languages" sub tab - click add new language
2. Download a new language package from PrestaShop
3. Install the new language package.
log in to you back office - click "Tools" tab - click "Translation" sub tab - look for "Import a language pack" section and upload your download file at above 2.
At this moment, you website should be able to speak a new language now.
4. Translation some other text that are not translated yet.
There must be some modules or pages that you have customized that not translated yet. In this case you need to translate them into your new languages.
log in to your back office - click "Tools" tab - click "Translation" sub tab - "Modify translations" section (on the top)
The translation are separated into following parts, (language file location is indicated in bracket)
- Front Office translations (/themes/yourstoretheme/lang/XX.php)
- Back Office translations (/translation/XX/admin.php)
- Error Message translations (/translation/XX/errors.php)
- Field Name translations (/translation/XX/fields.php)
- PDF translations (/translation/XX/pdf.php)
- Module translations (/modules/modulename/XX.php , /themes/yourstorethem/modules/modulename/XX.php)
XX is the corresponding language ISO code, for example, en - English, fr - French, es - Spanish, zh - Simplified Chinese
Some time, PrestaShop sotre ownsers encounter translation issues. You did translated at your back office and save it, but it does not reflect to your PrestaShop store.
Here are some tips on trouble shooting on translation issues.
1. First, please check that you have set proper permission for all folders and language files. Folders 755, files 644.
Check that related language files are create correctly by PrestaShop.
2. For module folder, if you have modified version under your theme folder, you also need to translate them separately.
3. For modules, text for have module indicator, for example
l s='text message' mod='modulename'
4. try to set 'display_errors' to 'on' when you perform translation at your back office. If there is any error, it will be displayed on the the top of your page. It should give you some hints and clue on what happening.
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