A very good news for new PrestaShop owners who will use our Agile Multiple Seller/Vendor module, a install and configuration video now is available.
Below is the video script for your references.
Agile Multiple Seller Installation GuideThis video will demonstrate how to install and configure the Agile Multiple Seller module from Addons-Modules.com.
InstallationTo get started with the installation, we are assuming you have the Agile Multiple Seller module on your local computer and that you are already logged into the PrestaShop Back Office.
Start by clicking on the Modules Tab.
Next, click "Add a module from my computer." This will expand a new section of the page called “Add a new module.”
Since the Agile Multiple Seller module is on your local computer, click the “Browse” button of the “Module file” input box.
This will bring up a new window where you can find the location of the Agile Multiple Seller module and choose that zipped folder. Then, click "Upload this module."
After the module is uploaded, go to the search bar and enter “Agile.” Select the Agile Multiple Seller module from the list. Prestashop will then take you to that module.
Now, you need to install the module by clicking the “Install” button.
After InstallationWith the module installed, open your FTP program and connect to your Store’s files.
Copy the Category.php file from the following location:
Now, paste that file into the following location:
The next step is to verify that the Agile Multiple Seller Module automatically modified several core files. If the following files were not modified, for some reason, you will need to modify them manually, or the module will not work.
Check to be sure these three files have the modifications noted:
(The module installer has automatically taken care of this changes)
Modification #1:
• Affects: YourStoreRoot/admin/index.php
• Before following line:
o If ($id_tab = checkingTab($tab))
• Add following line
o If(Module::isInstalled('agilemultipleseller'))include(PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/../modules/agilemultipleseller/tabtranslator.php');
Modification #2:
• Affects: YourStoreRoot/admin/ajax_category_list.php
• Replace following line:
o If (Tools::getValue('token') != Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminCatalog'))
• With this line:
o If (Tools::getValue('token') != Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminCatalog') AND Tools::getValue('token') != Tools::getAdminToken('AdminCatalog'.(int)(Tab::getIdFromClassName('AgileCatalog')).(int)($cookie->id_employee)))
Modification #3:
• Affects: YourStoreRoot/admin/tabs/AdminCatalog.php
• Change the following two lines from "private" to "protected"
o private $adminCategories; becomes protected $adminCategories;
o private $adminProducts; becomes protected $adminProducts;
• Affects: YourStoreRoot/admin/tabs/AdminCMSContent.php
• Change the following two lines from "private" to "protected"
o private $adminCMSCategories; becomes protected $adminCMSCategories;
o private $adminCMS; becomes protected $adminCMS;
Configure the ModuleWith the module installed and the files verified, click the “Configure” hyperlink.
There are two sections on this page. The first being the “Settings” section and below that is the “Seller Profile Info” section.
Settings Section:
We’ll start with the “Settings” section. In this section, there are several choices to make. The first option asks you to choose whether the Store will collect all the money from a sale or if Sellers will collect money from the sale. For this example, we will choose “Store collects all payments.”
If you choose “Seller collects all payments,” you will need to be sure you are using a payment module that you have purchased from Addons-Modules.com due to the additional information that must be retrieved. If you use a payment module that was not created by Addons-Modules, the transaction will not be processed correctly, or at all.
Next, you’ll need to decide if you want to allow any Customer to become a Seller. Let’s click this check box.
If you choose not to click this check box, you can manually set up Sellers by adding them in the Employees Tab and then set their profile to “agilemultipleseller.”
The next option allows you to sign Customers up to a Seller’s account automatically. If you do not choose to sign Customers up automatically, but you did choose to allow Customers to become Sellers, the Customer can manually sign up for a Sellers account in their My Account area of the Front Office.
As noted in the previous option, you can manually set up Sellers by adding them in the Employees Tab and then set their profile to “agilemultipleseller.”
The next option allows you to choose whether or not your seller can create and edit categories. If you want them to be able to edit categories, check the box. For this example, we won’t check the box. That means that sellers can add products, but they cannot add nor edit categories.
The final selection se can make is the “Seller Info tab” check box. Here, you can choose to display a “Seller Info” tab in your Product Detail pages.
For instance, if you’ve checked the box and a customer views a Product Detail page in the Front office, a new tab will appear with the details the seller wants the customer to see such as their company name, address, and phone numbers. The seller can also display their location via a Google Map.
Lastly, if you made any changes, be sure you click the “Save” button.
Seller Profile Info Section:
The Seller Profile Info section points out that a new employee profile called “agilemultipleseller” was created when the module was installed.
You can view this new profile by going to the Employees tab and then the Profiles sub-tab.
You can change the permissions of the “agilemultipleseller” profile by going to the Employees tab, then the Permissions sub-tab. Then select the “agilemultipleseller” profile.
Please be sure you review the Maintenance Notes section as it contains important information to keep your module running smoothly.
ConclusionThat concludes this demonstration of how to install and configure the Agile Multiple Seller module.